In developing countries
Capacity Building
- Identify, network and monitor local NGOs/CBOs/women's and young people organizations with a view to training them to improve their functioning.
- Support them in the maturation and search for funding for the implementation of their respective project.
- Find all kinds of local, national and international mechanisms to facilitate access of the poorest, women and children to comprehensive quality health care at an affordable.
- Work for the restoration of human dignity attacked by disease and aging through the implementation of a sustainable program of development of hospices and palliative care.
- Facilitate and support the partnership between vocational training centers in developed countries and those in developing countries.
- Find scholarships to promote access for underprivileged students to local and international Schools and Universities.
Transfer of skills
- Initiate, negotiate and promote partnerships between industrialists from developed countries and those from developing countries.
- Initiate, negotiate and promote twinning between municipalities in developed countries and those in developing countries.

In developed countries
Support for the community integration of immigrants, refugees and other people in distress.
Support for the homeless and/or poorly housed.
Home support for elderly and for people having terminal diseases.